Our mission is to help people find Jesus and experience true life in Him.
We are a multi-generational church that envisions seeing every man, woman, and child experience true life in Jesus. We’re praying that God would take us deeper with Him and send us out to be kingdom builders where we’re planted. Where is God using you right now?
We view everything through the lens of God’s truth
God’s truth over our opinion
We choose to live in God’s grace and offer His grace to others.
God’s grace over our striving
God’s family over our isolation
We lock arms together as a diverse family in authentic life-giving community.
God’s mission over our comfort
We live with open eyes for our community and our world.
Riverview Community Church is a member of the Evangelical Free Church of America, and we gladly unify around these theological convictions. Read the full doctrinal statement here.
In 2005, 10 families with a desire to worship God and impact the Ashland community with the gospel of Jesus Christ, began to meet, pray, and dream. The dream became a reality as RCC began public worship on Mother’s Day of 2006. 10 families turned into 300 who now call RCC home.
After years of functioning as a mobile church in many different locations (elementary school, high school, the Strategic Air and Space Museum, and Camp Carol Joy Holling), Riverview found a permanent home in the Sabre Heights development on the west end of Ashland. $300,000 and 7 acres of land were initially donated to begin construction on the new facility. In April of 2013, Riverview celebrated God's provision with their first worship service at 324 N. 32nd St.
God has great things in store for our future and we wait on Him to broaden our impact for the gospel and to help people experience the life of Christ in and through them.